The purpose of the trust disclosure rules was to provide insights on how trusts are used, and to ensure compliance with the 39% individual tax rate.
Assessing your Business’s Viability
2024-03-16T16:08:29+13:00At the beginning of the year, many business owners will have been taking time to think about not only the year ahead, but the long-term viability of their businesses.
Noisy Neighbours – What can you do?
2024-03-16T16:15:27+13:00What can you do when a neighbour decides that Thursday nights are all night party nights, or you work from home and your neighbour operates some serious machinery throughout the day?
National’s Policies on Property
2024-03-16T16:07:58+13:00The Government has confirmed landlords are once again able to deduct interest costs on their residential investment properties against rental income.
An Overview of Occupation Right Agreements
2024-03-16T16:07:48+13:00Purchasing an Occupation Right Agreement (ORA) at a retirement village is a big decision, and it can be a daunting task reviewing all the paperwork that villages are required to provide to you.
Executors and Trustees of a Will
2024-03-16T16:07:36+13:00All Wills need executors and trustees. While there may be more than one of them, the executor and trustee is usually the same person in a Will.
90-Day Trial Period
2024-03-16T16:07:22+13:00The Employment Relations (Trial Periods) Amendment Bill (Bill) was passed on 21 December 2023, after a fast-tracked process through Parliament resulting in the 90-trial period being restored for businesses with 20 plus employees.
Are you ready for the Increase in Minimum Wage on 1 April 2024?
2024-03-16T16:07:12+13:00The new adult minimum wage rate and the starting-out and training rates come into effect on 1 April 2024.
Attribution vs Market Salary Rules
2022-08-19T14:05:22+12:00The introduction of the 39% tax rate for individuals who earn over $180,000 from 1 April 2021 has reignited Inland Revenue’s interest in the income attribution and market salary regimes.
Taxes on Utes – Rules
2022-08-19T13:39:55+12:00The Government is taking action in line with the advice of the Climate Change Commission to increase uptake of low emission vehicles by introducing a range of measures that will help meet New Zealand’s 2050 carbon neutral target.
Trusts – When is a Loan really a Distribution?
2022-08-19T14:18:14+12:00Loans to beneficiaries are often made without proper consideration as to the preservation of trust assets or how these will affect any benefits to beneficiaries.
Trial vs. Probationary Periods – What is the Difference?
2022-08-19T13:38:33+12:00Trial and probationary periods look very similar and are used for similar reasons but they are fundamentally different. The main differences are set out in this article.
Tenants in Common – When only one wants to sell
2022-08-19T13:38:04+12:00Property sharing agreements are becoming more prevalent as individuals seek certainty of outcomes, where unforeseen circumstances intervene after property purchases.
Overview of the Wills Act
2022-08-19T13:44:57+12:00The Wills Act 2007 governs how wills should be prepared, executed, amended, and administered. The Act was introduced to make the law around wills easier to understand, with a single reference point rather than spread over different statutes.
Overview of the End-of-Life Choice Act 2019
2022-08-19T14:21:32+12:00The End of Live Choice Act 2019 came into effect in November 2021. It establishes the framework for the process, the eligibility and safeguards for the service of assisted dying in New Zealand. It is overseen by the Ministry of Health Manatu Hauroa.
What is a Testamentary Guardian and what they can/cannot do
2022-08-19T14:22:12+12:00Section 26 of the Care of Children Act 2004 provides that a testamentary guardian is a guardian appointed by deed or by will by a parent of a child.
Review of New Drug Testing at Festivals Law
2022-08-19T14:25:59+12:00Event organisers now have new legislation that allows for drug testing at concerts and festivals. Previously in New Zealand drug testing organisations have conducted tests at festivals with the risk of being prosecuted.
The Future of Smoking in New Zealand is Revealed
2022-08-19T14:26:37+12:00Smoking cigarettes has always been permitted in New Zealand. In more recent times the health hazards that smoking poses have been well researched, documented and publicised.